Page:Radicalism, what is it?.djvu/26

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The scene closes with a significant confession that indicates the true cause of the war.

"The Czar would put no faith now in any words of hope. Nay, he raged as they say against those who sought to comfort him, saying, "you are the men—you are the very men who brought me to this—who brought me into this war, by talking to me of the power of the English 'peace party.' Yes, you are the men, the very men who persuaded me that the English would trade and not fight, Leave me, leave me."  Crimean War, Vol. 4.

Mr. Bright forgot that his advocacy of peace at any price' would be viewed in a light totally different to his expectations; and if this statement be true, he and those who agreed with him were responsible in no trifling degree for the war, bloodshed, and loss of millions which followed. Nor is this all. The mismanagement and impotent conclusion of the war, lies at the door of that most brilliant of Liberal administrations, which narrowly escaped impeachment for its incompetency.

Lord Russell, who so nobly deserted the falling Cabinet, conceived in an unfortunate hour, that he had an especial genius for directing our Foreign affairs. His Diplomatic ability had been displayed in the lesson taught him by Prince Gortschakoff at Vienna, and he must then have considered his qualifications perfect.

Having excited the hopes of the Poles and stimulated an abortive insurrection, he withdrew a critical