Page:Radicalism, what is it?.djvu/9

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Few, let us hope, would stand on every plank of this platform, but this very discordance is a subject for our after consideration. What we may observe now, is, that if but few of these articles approve themselves to your judgment you have no right to vote with a party which embraces such a code between its extremes.[1]

To each and every one of these principles I am thoroughly opposed, and therefore my allegiance is given to those who oppose them too. But it is not only the principles of Radicalism which dismay me, but its conduct in support of them, nor does experience of so called Liberal administrations engender confidence in Englishmen jealous of their national glory and welfare.

On these grounds then we are opposed to Radicalism because of—

  1. its want of cohesiveness.
  2. its unfairness.
  3. its incentives to unprincipled ambition.
  4. its false and deceptive professions.
  5. its sacrifice of principle to popularity.
  6. its restlessness and love of novelty.
  7. its contempt of experience.
  8. its illogical and inconsistent conduct.
  9. its impatience of opposition.
  10. its tyranny.
  1. These extremes are easily connected. Mr. Gladstone supports Mr. Mill for Westminster, and Mr. Mill subscribes £25 to support the candidature of Mr. Bradlaugh, at Northampton!