Page:Radio-active substances.djvu/78

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mdme. curie's thesis:

4. The radio-activity induced in one screen by differing radium products has a limiting value which rises with the increased activity of the product.

Shortly afterwards, Mr. Rutherford published a research, which showed that compounds of thorium are capable of producing the phenomenon of induced radio-activity. Mr. Rutherford discovered for this phenomenon the same laws as those just enunciated, besides this additional important fact, that bodies charged with negative electricity become more active than others. Mr. Rutherford also observed that air passed over thorium oxide preserves a notable conductivity for about ten minutes. Air in this condition communicates induced radio-activity to inactive substances, especially to those negatively charged. Mr. Rutherford explains his experiences by the supposition that compounds of thorium, particularly the oxide, give rise to a radio-active emanation capable of being carried by air currents and charged with positive electricity. This emanation would be the origin of induced radio-activity. M. Dorn has repeated, with salts of barium containing radium, the experiments of Mr. Rutherford with thorium oxide.

M. Debierne has shown that actinium causes, to a marked degree, induced activity of bodies placed in its vicinity. As in the case of thorium, there is a considerable carriage of activity by air currents.

Induced radio-activity has various aspects, and irregular results are obtained when the activity of a substance in the neighbourhood of radium is excited in free air. MM. Curie and Debierne have observed, however, that the phenomenon is quite regular when operating in a closed vessel; they therefore investigated induced activity in a closed space.

Activity Induced in an Enclosed Space.

The active material is placed in a little glass jar, a, open at o (Fig. 11), in the centre of a closed space. Several plates, a, b, c, d, e, placed in the inclosure become radioactive after one day's exposure. The activity is the same whatever be the nature of the plate, for equal dimensions (lead, copper, aluminium, glass, ebonite, wax, cardboard, paraffin). The activity of one face of one of the plates is greater in proportion to the amount of free space about this face.

If the preceding experiment be repeated with the jar, a, completely closed, no activity is induced.

The radiation of radium does not directly affect the production of induced radio-activity. For this reason, in the