Page:Ragged Trousered Philanthropists.djvu/267

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The 'Pandoramer'

dren and the old grandmother sewin' hooks and eyes on cards to be sold in drapers' shops. It ses underneath the pitcher that 384 hooks and 384 eyes has to be joined together and sewed on cards for one penny.'

While this picture was being rolled away the band played and the children sang with great enthusiasm:

'Rule Britannia, Britannia rules the waves!
Britons, never, never, never shall be slaves!'

'Our next picture is called "An Englishman's Home." 'Ere we see the inside of another room in Slumtown, with the father and mother and four children sitting down to dinner—bread and drippin' and tea. It ses underneath the pitcher that there's thirteen millions of people in England always on the verge of starvation. These people that you see in the pitcher might be able to get a better dinner than this if it wasn't that most of the money wot the bloke earns 'as to go to pay the rent. Again we turns the 'andle and presently we comes to another very beautiful scene, "Early Morning in Trafalgar Square." 'Ere we see a lot of Englishmen who have been sleepin' out all night because they ain't got no 'omes to go to.'

As a suitable selection for this picture Bert played the tune of a Music Hall song, the words of which were familiar to all the youngsters, who sang at the top of their voices:

'I live in Trafalgar Square,
    With four lions to guard me,
Pictures and statues all over the place,
    Lord Nelson staring me straight in the face.
Of course it's rather draughty,
    But still I'm sure you'll agree,
If it's good enough for Lord Nelson,
    It's quite good enough for me.'

'Next we 'ave a view of the dining hall at the Topside Hotel in London, where we see the tables set for a millionaire's banquet. The forks and spoons is made of solid gold and the plates is made of silver. The flowers that you see on the tables and 'angin' down from the ceilin' and on the walls is worth £2000, and it cost the bloke wot give the supper over £30,000 for this one beano. A few more turns of the 'andle