Page:Ragged Trousered Philanthropists.djvu/312

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The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists

Easton said that he would withdraw his amendment.

Acting under the directions of the man with the metallic voice, the chairman now proceeded to put the amendment to the vote. Bundy's proposal that it should be a whole day was defeated, only himself, Sawkins, and the Semi-Drunk being in favour. The motion to substitute the 'Loggerheads' for the 'Queen Elizabeth' was also defeated, and the compound resolution proposed by Harlow was then carried nem. con.

Philpot now proposed a hearty vote of thanks to the chairman for the very able manner in which he had conducted the meeting. When this had been unanimously agreed to the Semi-Drunk moved a similar tribute of gratitude to Crass for his services to the cause, and the meeting dispersed.

The Semi-Drunk's engagement at Rushton's was not of very long duration, the job of cleaning and decorating 'Macaroni's Royal Café' on the Grand Parade being the cause of his downfall. The place was disgustingly dirty, but in no part was the filth of such an unspeakable description as in the kitchen and scullery, which the Semi-Drunk and another man called Bill Bates were ordered to clean out and prepare for painting and distempering.

At the start the job made them feel so ill that they went out and had a pint each before continuing operations.

After a little more work they felt that it was imperatively necessary to have another drink, and this time they had two pints each. Bill paid for the first two and then the Semi-Drunk refused to return to work unless Bill would consent to have another pint with him before going back. When they had drunk the two pints they decided, in order to save themselves the trouble and risk of leaving the job, to take a couple of quarts back with them in two bottles.

On their returning they found the coddy in the kitchen, looking for them. He began to talk and grumble, but the Semi-Drunk told him he could either have a drink out of one of the bottles or a punch in the bloody nose, whichever he liked! Or if he did not fancy either he could go to hell!

As the coddy was a sensible man he took the beer and advised them to pull themselves together and try to get some work done before Misery came, which they promised to do.

Shortly afterwards Misery came and began shouting at them because he said it looked as if they had been asleep all