Page:Railroad Poetry (1864).djvu/1

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Railroad Poetry.

By rail I resolved to go,
In the year of our Lord sixty-four,
And of the twelfth day of April,
From the village of Summerville,
To Sumter via the town Kingville,
Which really is convalescing still;
Indeed if you desire a treat,
You have only to stop there to eat.
To Sumter we got in chary time,
Before the clock had stricken nine;
The day was pleasant, the voyage too,
An old chum I met with, ladies too,
But the next did prove to be
That which the rails did confrere,
From all the South to Columbia;
The Camden train run through that day,
So I bargained with good Blodget
To hold up my old signal torch,
By which I could save a day,
And have less hotel bill to pay.
My good Genii ever since the war,
Awakes me promptly to the law,
I took the train while yet ’twas night,