Page:Ramakrishna - His Life and Sayings.djvu/172

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254. Hari (from h*7, to steal) means * He who steals our hearts/ and Haribala means c Hari is our strength.*

255. Sin like quicksilver can never be kept concealed (When a man takes calomel, sooner or later it is sure to show itself in the shape of eruptions on the skin.)

256* The tears of repentance and the tears of happiness flow from the two different corners of the eye. The tears of repentance flow from the side near the nose, and the tears of happiness flew from the other extremity.

257. Visit not miracle workers. They are wanderers from the path of truth. Their minds have become entangled in the meshes of psychic powers, which lie in the way of the pilgrim towards Brahman, as temptations. Beware of these powers, and desire them not.

258. A man after fourteen years of hard asceticism in a lonely forest obtained at last the power of walking over the waters. Overjoyed at this acquisition, he went to his Guru, and told him of his grand feat At this the Master replied, ' My poor boy, what thou hast accomplished after fourteen years' arduous labour, ordinary men do the same by paying a penny to the boatman.'

259. A youthful disciple of *Sr! Rrnak?7shfta once acquired the power of reading the heart of another. When he related this experience to the Master, he rebuked him and said, ' Shame on thee, child, do not waste thy energies on these petty things/

26O* A washerman keeps a large store of clothes and has