Page:Ramakrishna - His Life and Sayings.djvu/196

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in the green-room behind the stage. But as soon as the noise ceases, and the pious sage Niada enters on the stage with sweet and soft music and calls upon Kwsh#a to come out with a heart overflowing with love, 'Krishna, finds that he can no longer remain indifferent, and hurriedly comes on to the stage. So long as the religious devotee cries, * Come, O Lord ; come, O Lord/ with lip-prayers only, verily the Lord will never come ; when the Lord does come, the heart of the devotee will melt in divine emotion, and his loud utterances will all cease for ever. The Lord cannot delay in coming when man calls upon Him from the depths of his heart overflowing with deep love and devotion.

343. There is no Path safer and smoother than that of ba-kalami (szc). Ea-kalama means resigning the self to the will of the Almighty, to have no consciousness that anything is 'mine/

344. What is the nature of absolute reliance ? It is that happy state of comfort felt by a fatigued worker, when re- clining on a pillow he smokes at leisure after a hard day's toil : it is a cessation of all anxieties and worries.

346. As dry leaves are blown about here and there by the wind, and have no choice of their own, and make no exertion : so those who depend upon God move in harmony with His will, and can have no will, and put forth no effort, of their own.

346, 347. What do you think of the man who is a good orator and preacher, but whose spirituality is undeveloped? He is like a person who squanders another's property left in