Page:Rambles in Germany and Italy in 1840, 1842, and 1843 - Volume 1.djvu/25

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PART I.—1840.



Project for spending the Summer on the Banks of the Lake of Como.—Fine Spring—Stormy Weather—Passage from Dover to Calais.—The Diligence.—Paris.—Plan of our Route.

Brighton, June 13, 1840.

I am glad to say, that our frequent discussions of this spring have terminated in a manner very agreeable to every one concerned in them. My son and his two friends have decided on spending their summer vacation on the shores of the lake of Como—there to study for the degree, which they are to take next winter. They wish me to accompany them, and I gladly consent.

Can it, indeed, be true, that I am about to revisit Italy? How many years are gone since I quitted that country! There I left the mortal remains of