Page:Ramtanu Lahiri, Brahman and Reformer - A History of the Renaissance in Bengal.djvu/17

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Ramtanu Lahiri, Brahman and Reformer.


Ramtanu Lahiri ..... Frontispiece Sir Roper Lethbridge, K.C.I.E. . . . To face page vii The late Maharaja of Nadia and Ramtanu Lahiri ,, 1 The Maharaja of Nadia . . . 9 Jadu Nath Rai . . . . II Dr Kalicharan Lahiri . . . . ,, 13 The Maharaja Sir Jotindra Mohan Tajore, K.C.S.I. 21 Raja Pyari Mohan Mukerji, C.S.I. . . ,, 25 Michael Madhusudan Dutt . . ,, 30 Statue of David Hare . . . ,, 40 Kartikera Chandra Rai . . . . ,, 49 Sir John Phear . . . . . 54 Pandit Iswara Chandra Vidyasagara . 57 H. L. V. Derozio . . . 66 Tarachand Chakravartti . . . . ,, 77 The Rev. Krishna Mohan Banerji, C.I.E. . ,, 8 1 Ram Gopal Ghosh . . . ,, 86 Dina Bandhu Mitra . . . ,, 94 Bankim Chandra Chatterji, C.I.E. . . 106 Shib Chandra Deb . . . 108 Kalicharan Ghosh . . . . 119 Raja Digambar Mitra, C.S.I. . . . ,,122 Rajendra Datta . . . . . 125 Sir Charles Cecil Stevens, K.C.S.I. . . ,,132 Kesava Chandra Sen . . . 1 34 Indumati Devi . ,,141 Professor Peary Charan Sircar . . . ,, 143 Gangamati Devi . . . . . ,,147 Raja Rammohan Roy . . . 170