Page:Randall Parrish - The Red Mist.djvu/105

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The Mistress of the House

"the uniform is no recommendation whatever, and but—well, you—you look like an officer and a gentleman."

"For which compliment I sincerely thank you. That is far better than a dependence on clothes alone, yet never before did I feel that my face was my fortune. However, Miss Harwood, my story can be quickly told. I am a lieutenant, Third United States Cavalry—see, the numeral is on my hat—attached to Heitzelman's command, now at Fairfax Court House. I have recently been detailed to the recruiting service, and ordered to this section. If necessary to convince you of my identity you may even examine the official papers in this packet."

She shook her head, her glance straying from the official buff envelope back to my face. The look in her eyes was expressive of some slight bewilderment.

"No; that is not necessary. I believe your word."

I found it strangely difficult, fronting her calm look of insistence, to go on. But there was no way of escape. Beyond doubt the sympathy of this girl was with the cause of the North, and if I was to confess myself Tom Wyatt, and a Confederate spy, all hope of the success of my mission would be immediately ended. Besides I lacked the will to forfeit