Page:Randall Parrish - The Red Mist.djvu/112

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SHE put aside laughingly my suggestion of assistance. Indeed her appearance of good humor caused me to feel that the girl was really glad of my presence in the house, this relieving her of loneliness.

"Not a word of protest," she said gaily, waving me to the chair beside the table. "You must remember I am mistress here, and the entertainment of guests is my privilege."

"Hardly a guest, when I came steathily crawling in through a broken window."

"The only entrance possible. That is all forgotten, now that your eminent respectability has been so thoroughly established. Really, Lieutenant, I cannot but feel honored by so distinguished a visitor. General Ramsay said you were one of the most popular officers in the army."

"Did he, indeed? It was from Ramsay then you learned of my coming."

"Captain Fox told me what General Ramsay said; there is quite a grapevine telegraph in this country—news travels rapidly. I was even in-