Page:Randall Parrish - The Red Mist.djvu/120

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The Red Mist

of the blaze. The girl's eyes met mine almost questioningly.

"You know him?" I whispered.

"Who he is—yes; a Baptist mountain preacher. But why is he here? what purpose brings him?"

"An accident, no doubt; overtaken by the storm."

She shook her head, unconvinced. Then she stepped forward.

"We were just completing our meal," she said softly. "There is not much, but we will gladly share what we have."

"The flesh needeth nothing," he answered, not even looking around, "and the spirit liveth on the bread of life. I seek only converse with you. The young man is an officer?"

"Yes—on recruiting service."

"You know him well? you trust him?"

"I—I have not known him long," she replied hesitatingly, and glancing back at me. "Yet I have confidence in him." The man did not answer, or move, and, after a moment of silence, she asked:

"Have you ridden far?"

"From Lewisburg."

"Lewisburg!" in surprise. "Then you knew I was here? you came seeking me?"

He turned on his stool, his eyes searching her face gravely.