Page:Randall Parrish - The Red Mist.djvu/122

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The Red Mist

"Death? My father dead?" she stepped back from him, her hands pressed against her eyes. Obeying the first instinct of protection, I stepped to support her as she seemed about to fall. "That cannot be! You lie! I know you lie! You were never his friend. You come here to tell me that to frighten me; to compel me to do something wrong."

The man exhibited no trace of emotion, no evidence of regret, his voice the same hard, metallic sound.

"I expected this outburst," he continued unmoved. "Indeed, it is no more than natural. I am the Lord's servant, and must expect abuse and reviling from the unconverted; yet will I not be swerved from the line of duty. It is true that the Major and I differed in many things—he was of the world worldly, while the light which guideth my path is spiritual. But I harbor no resentment, and in this hour freely forgive all. 'He that taketh the sword, shall perish by the sword,' and my words are true."

"But I saw him four days ago."

"On his way east to Hot Springs, with an escort of soldiers. It was there he was killed, together with his servant. A messenger brought the news."

"A soldier? One of Captain Fox's men?"

A sardonic smile flickered an instant on the preacher's thin lips.