Page:Randall Parrish - The Red Mist.djvu/150

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The Red Mist

"Only 'bout her father being dead at furst. Thet I heerd about it at Lewisburg, an' hed felt it my duty ter bring her the news. I reckon if she hed bin thar alone we'd a got 'long fine tergether, but thet Yankee leftenant wus too smart ter be fooled so easy. I reckon he knew mor'n he let on, fer ther furst thing I knew he wus questionin' me like a blame lawyer, an' a shovin' his gun in my face fer ter make me answer."

"You damn coward! What did you tell?"

"Honest, Anse, I don't jest know; but I reckon I did spit it most out, fer he'd a killed me if I hadn't."

"Do you mean to say you told them I was comin' yere ternight, an' goin' fer ter make the girl marry me—you whinin' cur?"

"How could I help it, Anse? I reckon if thet feller hed a pistol et your head you'd a did some talkin'. Maybe he's a recruitin' officer, but he ain't no sorter man ter fool with onct he gits mad."

"Well, I'd sure like fer ter know who he is. He can't be ther feller what got away from Monte, fer he lit out fer Charleston. How did this yere feller git yere—on horseback?"

"I didn't git sight o' no hoss; thar wus only one four-legged critter in ther barn, an' I reckon as how the girl must hev' rode thet."