Page:Randall Parrish - The Red Mist.djvu/180

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The Red Mist

view; and will not give up while there is a hope left. Is there any other place better than this in which to hide?"

She shook her head.

"Well, then we must fight it out here if they come; you have your revolver—ah! the squad is already below; listen!"

We stood side by side, scarcely breathing, close to the bolted door. The flames of the burning stable were dying down, yet there was sufficient light to render every object in the room plainly visible. Intent as I was on every slight sound below and without, I kept my eyes on Nichols, seated dejectedly in one corner. Feet tramped noisily back and forth in the lower hall, and the sound of voices reached us, the words indistinguishable. There was an echo of splintered wood, the crash of dishes, and a loud laugh. The fellows seemed to be looting the kitchen and pantry, destroying whatever they could not use. Suddenly there arose a sound of smashing glass at the front of the house, and the tinkling of a piano as if some rough hand swept across the keys. Noreen pressed closer, lifting her eyes in appeal.

"They—they are searching the house," she whispered, her voice shaking, "and—looting it. Do you hear that? they are even tearing the carpet from the floor. Some of them will come up here."