Page:Randall Parrish - The Red Mist.djvu/239

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The One Path of Escape

ments, or that the Yankee invaders had made a complete capture of the town. Whichever theory was the true one, both sexes were enjoying themselves to the top of their bent, forgetful of everything except the pleasure of the moment.

The couples whirled past, circling the room. I could distinguish uniforms of every grade below that of colonel, and representatives of the three arms of the service. Occasionally a black coat appeared conspicuously amid the throng on the floor, but there were more of these visible along the side walls. It was evidently military night, and the ladies looked kindly on brass buttons and gold lace. The big room resounded to the tap of feet, and the ceaseless murmur of voices; laughter rang out, and over all the merry strain of music.

I watched the faces eagerly, but they were all strange. No doubt some of those young women I had known as girls, but they had grown out of my recollection. None among the officers present, so far as I could tell, had I ever come in contact with—ah! yes! there was Whitlock sitting disconsolately alone below the judge's bench. I clung to my perch determining to assure myself, but my eyes encountered no other familiar countenance. Of course Noreen would not attend, but there must be some special cause to account for Raymond's absence. He was the sort