Page:Randall Parrish - The Red Mist.djvu/24

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The Red Mist

"Charles H.; appointed from Vermont."

"Is this choice satisfactory to you, sergeant?"

"Perfectly, sir."

"You are prepared to depart immediately?"

"As soon as I can be furnished with the necessary papers and equipment."

"Colonel Swan will arrange the first, and the quartermaster can doubtless supply the other requirements. Orderly, have Major Kline step in here at once. Ah, Kline, have you among your trophies of war a Federal lieutenant's uniform which will probably fit this man?"

"I believe so, sir," and the officer addressed ran his eyes appraisingly over my figure. "Any particular regiment?"

"Third, United States Cavalry. Have it pressed and sent here at once, securely wrapped, together with saber and revolvers. Where is your horse, sergeant?"

"Tied to the palings outside."

"Do you desire a better mount?"

"No sir, the animal is fresh, and a good traveler."

"Then that will be all, Kline; except, of course, complete Federal cavalry equipment for the horse."

The officer saluted, and disappeared, the door instantly closing behind him, cutting off the hum of voices without. There was a moment of silence.