Page:Randall Parrish - The Red Mist.djvu/261

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The Lady Chooses

"Nor on my own either—Fox informed me of what he told you."

I was not long about the job, nor did Raymond make any resistance to the exchange forced upon him. In fact he acted like a man too completely dazed to even realize the indignity of his treatment, yet the way his eyes followed my every movement, and the smouldering hate in their depths, left me to doubt but what the fellow would prove dangerous enough, if ever he regained the power. I took no chances, binding him with greater care than before, and fitting a gag into his mouth to silence any possible cry for help. Noreen stood close to the door, apparently listening for some noise without, yet occasionally directing her glance toward us anxiously. I slipped into the lieutenant's coat, which fitted me snugly, and pulled his cap well down over my eyes. I bore no resemblance to the man, yet in the dark the difference might not be noticed.

"Are you ready?" she asked in a low whisper.

"Yes; but tell me your plan. I need to know what character I am to enact,—Raymond?"

"Not at first; not in the hall. That would be useless, as there is a light burning. Listen," and she grasped my sleeve in both hands in her eagerness to explain. "Do you remember the way the corridor runs?"