Page:Randall Parrish - The Red Mist.djvu/265

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The Lady Chooses

Jack, put your hands behind you! Ah! you've done the same job in your day, no doubt—easy there, or you may get hurt. Now I'll turn you over, and bottle up your tongue; rather a surprise party, wasn't it?"

The fellow stared up at me, and grinned.

"You sure did put it over me that time," he admitted, a touch of genuine admiration in his voice. "I was like a baby, sir."

"You would have been if you had weighed a ton, the grip I had on you—I know the trade."

"Ay! yer do that; who are yer, may I ask?"

"The spy you fellows planned to hang in the morning," I answered, amused by his unexpected good humor. "Sorry, Jack, but I'll have to gag you."

"The pleasure is mine; don't mention it," and he winked facetiously, with a nod of his head toward the heavily breathing colonel. I bound a bit of rag over his mouth, more to give him an excuse for silence than because I had any fear he would raise an alarm. Noreen had silently opened the door, and slipped out into the corridor. With a swift glance over the three helpless men left behind, I joined her, and tightly closed the door. The light of the distant lamp revealed her face, but her eyes were serious.

"Better leave the musket leaning against the