Page:Randall Parrish - The Red Mist.djvu/284

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The Red Mist

"You would rather go on with me?"

"I made that choice, but if you consider me a burden—"

"No, it is not that, Noreen," I interrupted, touched by the regretful tone of her voice. "It was of you I was thinking; not myself. Then we go on together?"

She was silent, her eyes on the darkness ahead.

"It must be your decision," I insisted.

"I made my choice an hour ago," she answered frankly.

I waited an instant, thinking she might say more, but she sat motionless in the saddle. Just what her decision signified I could not judge. It seemed to me that between two dangers she had simply chosen the one she deemed to be the lesser. It was not affection for me, but fear of others, which urged her forward. Grasping her bridle rein I rode on through the dark without another word. The decision had been made; now we must both of us abide the consequences.