Page:Randall Parrish - The Red Mist.djvu/357

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The Trap Closes

"Let Johnson and McIlvaine join me here; what is the name of that lad I was going to recommend for corporal?"

"O'Hare, sir; Jacob O'Hare."

"Put him in command of the south side, and you take the north; place benches to stand on under the windows, but keep your men down until you get the word. There is to be no firing until I give the order. Tell them they have got to fight for their lives. You understand?"

"Yes, sir; we'll do it, sir."

"Then get to your stations. Now, Wyatt, how about you? ready to take a hand?"

"I place myself under your orders."

"Then I give you command at the other end; there are two windows and a door. Here, take this gun, and belt; I can get another." He stopped, and drew in a quick breath, glancing out again through the window.

"Friend Cowan—if that be his name—seems to be waiting for the military to come up," he commented mockingly. "Prefers to let the Yanks pull his chestnuts out of the fire. Perhaps he has known you a long while—hey, Wyatt?"

"The acquaintance has been rather brief, but warm."

"No doubt; well, I'll help make it warmer pres-