Page:Randall Parrish - The Red Mist.djvu/359

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The Trap Closes

"Yes; do not refuse. I am not afraid," she implored. "Take me with you."

I found the door, and the narrow aisle leading between the two rows of benches. Enough moonlight straggled in through the side windows to enable us to pick our way, and to note the dark, motionless shadows along the side walls where the troopers waited grimly, guns poised and ready. There was a tense breathlessness to the situation which made my heart leap, not a sound audible within but the low whispers as some order passed from man to man down the line. We came to the platform, and felt our way up the steps. It was darker here, yet my eyes, accustomed to the gloom, caught glimpse of crouching figures beyond the pulpit. Outside, sounding some distance away, Kelly's sharp, penetrating voice shouted an order, accompanied by an oath. One of the kneeling figures rose slowly until his eyes were even with the window sill.

"Men," I said quietly, barely loud enough to reach their ears. "I am a sergeant in the Staunton Horse Artillery. Your lieutenant has just assigned me to take command at this end of the church. How many are there of you?"

"Ten, sir," answered the one nearest, after a pause, turning his head slightly. "Three at each window, and four at the door."