Page:Randall Parrish - The Red Mist.djvu/382

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The Red Mist

mountings—an' is Anse Cowan along with them Yanks out thar?"

"Yes, and all the gang, excepting old Ned, who was shot last night."

"You shot him?"

"Well, it was my pistol; we were fighting together." Suddenly a thought swept through my mind. "See here, Nichols: you are in as bad shape as we are. Anse has treated you like a dog, and he will never forgive you for that marriage, even if it was performed to save your life—"

"It wasn't," he chuckled. "I wa'n't afeerd yer would shoot. I wus thet mad at Anse I didn't care; but I reckon he'll 'bout skin me alive if ever he kitches me yere."

"Do you know of any way out?"

He glanced about cautiously, to assure himself that no soldier was within earshot.

"The baptistry."

"The what?"

"The baptistry under the pulpit; this is a Baptist church, and ther is an opening in the floor just back of where you are. Feel a little to the left—yes, about thar—don't you touch an iron ring? What? well thar's one thar, an' it lifts two puncheon slabs spiked tergether."

"Yes, but what is below—just a tank?"