Page:Randall Parrish - The Red Mist.djvu/395

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The End of Defense

Still I realized all that happened, distinguished voices, and the shuffling of feet on the puncheon floor. I heard Fox shouting orders, as the mad hubbub ceased.

"That's enough! that's enough, men! It's all over with. Here, Sergeant, round up those prisoners; God knows there are few enough of the poor devils left. Guard those able to walk outside. Now, Herzog, carry the wounded over here. What? Why, of course, you idiot, we are not savages—those fellows fought like men, and are to be treated decently. No distinction, mind you. Let the dead lie where they are till daylight, but don't overlook a wounded man. Where's Cowan? does anybody know?"

"Shot, sir; he's here in this pile somewhere."

"See if the fellow is alive. Who is his lieutenant?"

"I am, sir; my name's Kelly."

"Well get your damn crew of scoundrels out of here, what's left of them. Do you hear! This is soldier work, and I want you fellows outside."

"You used us all right when thar wus fightin' ter do—"

"That's enough, Kelly. I didn't use you—Moran did; and you can go to him with your complaints. I know how you treat prisoners, and would