Page:Randall Parrish - The Red Mist.djvu/404

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The Red Mist

"And so you think they're down there yet?"

"Sure; less they got wings they couldn't a come up no other way."

The lieutenant strode forward, and grasped the rein of the horse. I could see him clearly now, the moolight on his upturned face.

"Then we've got them, all right," he asserted, a new confidence in his voice. "You know the way down, don't you, Kelly?"

"Hell, yes; I hid out thar fer six weeks onct. They call it the Devil's Glen, an', I reckon tain't a bad name neither."

"All right then; I've got three men here who'll go with you. That will be enough. I'll stay up here, so if the fellow slips by I'll nab him. Jones—all of you come here. Come, Kelly, there's a hundred dollars in this for you."

"By God! it's worth it, fer somebody's liable ter get shot." He rolled out of the saddle, but with evident reluctance. "I reckon I'll let one o' them sojers go ahead. Yer must want thet Reb powerful bad, Leftenant?"

"I do," grimly, "dead or alive."

Three other figures joined them; they were on foot, but I could see the guns in their hands, and the gleam of buttons in the moonlight. Raymond spoke swiftly, pointing with one hand, but his voice