Page:Randolph, Paschal Beverly; Eulis! the history of love.djvu/158

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Affectional Alchemy.

chances to pass by that way; and her very smile is a ray of sunlight straight out from heaven! But just as soon as the fleurs blanches appear, she begins to sour right away; and a woman in either state should forever he held apart and sacred, for she is no more capable of wifeliness at such times than is the weanling crawling on the floor. Why, every one can see at a glance.

CXXXVII. Death is but the beginning of some people's real trouble; and marriage is generally the commencement of everybody else's; for there's so much morbidity afloat that people are perverted before marriage, and remain so afterward. Such can never avoid slander, scandal, backbiting; but take thereto as ducks to water, because the foundations of nobility are sealed up; and neither man or woman thus characterized can live at peace with any other of God's creatures on the footstool. Such wives either fool their lords, or make home too hot to hold them. Such men neglect their wives, and general chaos reigns supreme. Now if such would but take pains to revive and cultivate the true instinct, the road to happiness would open straight before them.

CXXXVIII. When the skin of the face, hands, arms, is loose and flabby, it is a sure sign of three things: kidney, bladder, vaginal, urethral, brain, or uterine trouble; originating in affectional disturbances; of chronic discontent; and of the need of cure by affection. Let this be done, and they who would love and be loved breathe deeply, and the physical ailments will disappear. Promiscuity can never do it. I have heard doctors recommend it; but I have no patience with them or with that other ilk who contend for "Variety in Love." To me they are but human toads bent on besliming the morals of mankind. I defy any sane man to love the wife whom he knows shares with another favors to which he alone by their mutual troth is entitled! Public opinion sets in strong tides against such doctrine; and although it is sometimes pig-headed and wrong, yet in this it is unquestionably right: because no true, genuine man or woman is willing to. or capable of, sharing the love which ought to lie exclusively their own. Lecherous human halflings advocate the doctrine; but it is always on their side of the