Page:Randolph, Paschal Beverly; Eulis! the history of love.djvu/232

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List of Works.

demptive counsel for those wrecked on Love's storm-lashed rocks. Vivat!

Chap. VII.—Love's Chemistry,—very curious, but very true. Love's double nature. Magnetic, Electric, and Nervous bases of the grand Passion! Law of Tidal Love. The Poison flow. Attraction of Passion. Chills and Fevers of true Affection! Immortalization. Difference between male and female existence. Strange. What a woman never forgets or forgives. To Husbands and Lovers. Words never to be forgotten by either.

Chap. VIII.—Goodness alone is Power. Brain versus Heart! Knowledge is strength, not power! Head versus Heart Women. Grooves, Moods, Phases of Love. How Love requires but one second to change to deadly Hatred. A Mystery. Isabella of Spain, and Marfori, her lover. How the Franco-Prussian War resulted from their loving. Singular fad about a woman's Magic Photographic power. Darwin of the "Monkey-origin of Man" on trial. His acquittal. A Hint to Parents.

Chap. IX.—Why women are ill, but should not be. Confectionery and Love. Drugged Candy. An unsuspected rock on which lovers are wrecked. Mental Sex, not physical, is what men love most. About woman's dress, as Love creators. A mistake about women which most men make. Another word for the "Strange Woman." Why women complain, and why wives die early! Extremes: Shakerism—Freeism. Caution to all.

Chap. X.—Divorce: Hereditary Bias. The Love-cure. An Old Friend in a New Dress. Why boy-babies are kissed more than girl infants. Why girl-babies reverse the business after the second year. Camp-meeting and Ball-room Loves. Another Mystery People who are Love-starved. The Affection-Congress.—the Conductor, the Train, the Passengers, and the Arrival. A splendid series of Facts for the Married.

Chap. XI—A New Discovery in Love, and a great one too! To a husband! To a Lover! Jealousy exists without Love! Love may exist without Jealousy. Gems of rare truth. How to recover when Love-exhausted. Beginning of Souls. Why Fœticide at any stage, is worse than adult Murder! Freezing of