Page:Randolph, Paschal Beverly; Eulis! the history of love.djvu/81

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Affectional Alchemy.

with the quintessence of life itself; grow better, and spiritually stronger, and more beautiful, ripe, morally wealthy, calm, hopeful, attuned to this upper music; pass the brutal lands untouched; walk unharmed amidst moral malarias, and draw down to their souls, as copper-rods the lightning, the divine fervor and fire of the aerial spaces, the far-off heavens, and become baptized of the Holy Spirit, and earthly protegés of the supreme Lord of Glory,—our God.

Now once in a while couples do love each other, and from the product of such unions, what few civilized people there are take their rise and departure; and thus the world is saved by God's fiat, just as one honest man, and good, was declared sufficient to prevent the overthrow of Sodom.

The world owes its salvation to the accidents of Love; but by and by, what are now exceptional cases will become the universal rule, and then farewell human Boyhood, and welcome glorious Manhood.

Couples not loving each other are mutually exhaustive, and, as a consequence, fret and fume, worry the life out of one another, and wear their very souls threadbare and to shreds, so that here on earth they amount to but little, and after death enter the ethereal realms in a state of immortal leanness, wizzenness, scranniness, requiring, perhaps, ages of time, or, at least, a long lapse of years, before they can ever reach a condition of soul-fatness, or celestial plumptitude. We can gain much by truly loving!

XXXVII. Light is the shadow of God! Deity is never to be seen, for He ever recedes from telescopic or visual scrutiny. But He is always to be felt; and whosoever feels for God is sure to touch and find him! for when we feel for him, he invariably comes forth and whispers to the soul: Here am I! But the inscrutable Being dwells within the Everlasting Shadow,—behind the Everlasting Flame; for He is the Eternal Fire! and the quintessence of All Heat; not the heat of combustion, but its opposites, like unto that which is evolved from within our souls when we truly Love. Men gazing upon solar light have been struck dumb with the tremendous conception that God was concentrated Light, and that to find him they must rush into the intolerable effulgence, the awful brilliance of all the focal spaces! But they erred. The amazing