Page:Ranjit Singh (Griffin).djvu/107

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round the Afghán's house and searched anyone who left it, allowing no food to be sent in. Forged letters were produced which it was stated had been intercepted from Sháh Shujá to his friends in Afghánistán, calling upon them to invade the Punjab and liberate him.

The Sháh was threatened with imprisonment in the fortress of Govindgarh, and at length, after two months' resistance, wearied out with perpetual harassing, seeing his family and servants half-starving and appreciating that longer refusal would only end in his captivity or death, he promised to give up the diamond if the Mahárájá, on his part, would promise him protection and friendship in the most solemn manner. This the Mahárájá did, having a document drawn up in which he promised on the Ádi Granth and the Granth of the 10th Reign, to be ever the friend of Sháh Shujá and to endeavour to restore him to the throne of Kábul. The Afghán then invited Ranjít Singh to come and receive the diamond in person. He arrived with a few attendants and was received in silence which was unbroken for an hour, when the Mahárájá reminded his new friend and prisoner of the object of his visit. The Sháh ordered one of his servants to bring the diamond. A packet was brought in and unwrapped, and when the Mahárájá saw that it was really the stone he coveted he seized it and left the house without even bidding farewell to the prince. Nor was this all; for, some time afterwards, hearing that his visitors were still