Page:Rape of Prosperine - Claudian (1854).djvu/39

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Sicilia's caves resound—and Lipare
Views from his forge astonished Vulcan flee:
The Cyclops trembling at the anvil stands,
And drops the unfinished lightnings from his hands.
They hear the clang, who wade mid Alpine snow,
They, who their alder boats on Padus row;
And they, whose arms cleave Tiber's yellow foam,
Not yet by trophies girt of conquering Rome.
So when Peneus erst, by cliffs embay'd,
One marshy pool of drown'd Thessalia made,
Great Neptune rose, and with resistless shock
His trident dashed against the barrier rock;
Disjoin'd from cold Olympus Ossa's peak,
Taught the full lake its outlet there to seek;
And bade the river yield, as freed it ran,
Its waters to the sea, its laud to man.
When now Trinacria, by strong hand subdued,
And burst asunder in convulsion rude,
Had own'd with yawning cleft the God's assault,
Confused amazement fill'd the heavenly vault;
The stars forgot their paths, down sank the Bear,
Beneath forbidden seas, for very fear,
With slow Böotes: as those steeds neigh'd loud,
Orion trembled, and pale Atlas bow'd.