Page:Rape of Prosperine - Claudian (1854).djvu/57

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While he, too late returning, scours the plain,
And calls, and listens for their bleat in vain.
Next hid in dark recess the Goddess found
The nymph Electra prostrate on the ground,
Her daughter's nurse, 'mong Ocean maids renown'd.
With all a parent's love, and tender care,
She oft the infant from its cradle bare,
To shew great Jove his child, and joy'd to see
Its blithesome sportings on its Father's knee.
This second mother, this companion tried,
Who scarce had ever left the virgin's side,
Her grey locks torn and mingled with the dust,
Mourned her lost charge, her violated trust.
Then curb'd no more was Ceres' mighty grief,
But found in sighs and hasty words relief.
"Whence comes this death-like void? whose spoil am I?
Doth yet my consort live, and rule the sky?
Or are the daring Titans lords on high?
Hath strong Typhæus burst Inarime?
Or, starting from Vesuvian bondage free,
Hath Alcyon waded through the Tyrrhene sea?
Enceladus, from Etna's jaws let loose,
Appear'd with hundred-handed Briareus