Page:Rati Sastram.djvu/17

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(antelope class), thirdly; Brisa (bull class), fourthly, Aswa (horse class). These are the four kinds of males. O Gouri! now please attend to what I say about the different characters held by these different sorts of males.

नातिख्वो नातिदोरघः कामकान्तिः सुलक्ितः । अपापा भल्ञिमांचेव शुरुदेवद्दिजाच्चकः ॥ १७॥ सव्नेदा साइ्ुसंसर्गो कष्ण कथापरायण; ।

SIGNS EXPRESSIVE OF THE TYPE OF M F T E F AN O HE FIRST CLASS CALLED SASA OR §, A OR SASAKA (HART CLASS.) Siva Said : Neither too tall, nor too short of lovel appearance, well shaped of holy nature aevat me per of Guru (spiritual : of Deva ( Gods )s associated with pious men, much given to talk ab Out, | and earnestly. "desiring to hear the tales of Krishn (the incarnation of- the Supreme Being ) : } ul worships. quiet