Page:Raymond Spears--Diamond Tolls.djvu/125

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through their columns hastily. As a matter of fact, he was reading every item with ample care, seizing the names and essential facts with that finest of sieves, the mind of a free-lance reporter.

And suddenly, as he walked out upon the bridges, and was about to fold his paper, there struck his eyes a single line of "full face lower case" type:


Hickman, Nov. 14.—White Collar Dan, a river man well known to shantyboaters, was found wandering on a sandbar a few miles below this place, with a bullet hole through him. Williams, a medicine man, brought him to the local hospital, where he now lies with an even chance of recovery. He was insane when discovered, but he recovered consciousness later. He would tell nothing about his predicament, but the authorities think he was shot in a row over the division of some jewellery, for he mumbled and groaned as he talked about diamonds and rubies.

"Mumbled and groaned as he talked about diamonds," Urleigh shivered. "Where's that danged fool local correspondent's eyes, ears, wits—Lord! What did he say about diamonds and rubies?"

Urleigh turned and started up town again on the run, but he realized as he glanced at his watch that Manager Grost would not be in his office. He ceased his race and returned to the bridge. He strolled out