Page:Raymond Spears--Diamond Tolls.djvu/136

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"Why, it was night—she was alone—she was afraid——"

"Not by a d——d sight! She wa'n't no more worried'n a fly. She just let go, calm and smiling like! The reason why? I'll tell you. She knowed what she wanted, and she'd got it, and she took it. That's what is. I don't know her; I never knowed her. But I got my suspicions; when I was scouting around, getting ready, and getting pointers. I run into something then that was funny. You know Goles, the salesman? Well, it was about him. Diamond salesmen don't have no friends, do they? They don't talk; they're suspicious as h——l; and they're bonded. Why, the comp'ny had him trailed, he was so smooth they suspected something. The papers said so, didn't they? They took him into that restaurant, didn't they, there in Cincinnati?"

"Yes—that's so. That's as far as they ever traced him."

"Well, he was going down to Old Wrest's, wasn't he?"

"That's so, too."

"Well, what do you s'pose he went away down the north bank for, and to Vernon and then to Madison? What'd he do that for? What'd he drop in there to Madison for? Away down below Warsaw, and he was going to Warsaw? If he was going to Warsaw!"

"If he was going to Warsaw?"