Page:Raymond Spears--Diamond Tolls.djvu/212

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"Oh, I know that,' she exclaimed, impatiently.

"And I am after the story of those diamonds, which disappeared with Goles, the salesman, in Cincinnati. You said you threw them overboard, and we simply wanted to verify that."

"Search this boat if you wish!" she exclaimed. "I don't want men chasing me down this river. I didn't come down here to have men chase me——"

"There aren't more than a dozen after you now," Urleigh smiled. "I may be mistaken, though. Let's see, there's Macrado, and Frest, and——"

"Don't!" she cried. "Do you want to search this boat? I had the diamonds—I'll show you that."

She darted into the cabin, and brought out a handful of papers, little sheets of linen paper, creased to make envelopes of card size. With these white papers were grayish tissue sheets folded the same way—some with one another. On the linen paper were prices, carat weights, and symbols as to quality.

"There are the envelopes," she cried. "I knew you'd chase me——"

"You threw them into the river!" Gost asked, hoarsely.

"I said so. Of course I did."

"Who's your pal?" Gost demanded, sneering. "You played me for a sucker, all right. You're the slickest pair ever dropped down Old Mississip'—