Page:Raymond Spears--Diamond Tolls.djvu/31

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without showing her pretty teeth. She asked, a minute later:

"Who was Big Sue?"

"She was one of those big brunettes, with brown eyes and long lashes," Mrs. Mahna explained, "and she made a real good living, into a skiff, selling whisky along in Plum Point and Fort Pillow and down thataway. Seems like she might of lived real nice, and owned a whisky boat and made a good bit of money, but she took to marrying and 'vorcing. You know what that does to a lady!"

Delia laughed aloud, showing her teeth. Mrs. Mahna looked at her in surprise. There wasn't anything at all funny in what she had said, and so she wondered what ailed Delia?

"Anybody'd know you was from up-the-banks!" Mrs. Mahna exclaimed, petulantly, "no feelings at all, laughing about Big Sue and her plumb foolishness!"

"Oh, I•meant no harm, Mrs.—Mrs.——"

"Mrs. Mahna. See that old feller up the bank, staring at you? Well, he's my husband. Don't forget that!"

Delia's eyes opened, and her mouth closed, tentatively.

"Well, why don't you laugh this time?" Mrs. Mahna demanded, with asperity. "When a lady warns you about taking her husband you want to smile!"