Page:Raymond Spears--Diamond Tolls.djvu/63

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knows a thing or two! They sure do! River rats don't mostly kill a lady down here, 'thout they thinks they got a lot of money, or something like that, but they maul 'em awful, sometimes. You see, on Old Mississip' ladies got to take care of themselves. 'Tain't many that brings the law with them, right off at first, the way you did. Some'd get along lots better if they did. So you plugged him—shoot many times?"

"Just once——"

"Just once! Well, I declare! Hit him the first whack! That's the best way. After you've done that a few times, I tell you they'll treat you mighty respectful down thisaway. They ain't nothing makes a man step around like a lady that knows the law, and ain't afraid to use it. Late years, and since I was married, I ain't lawed it none to speak of. Little birdshot into fellows trying to steal a skiff or lift a hoop net, but that's all. Sho! Where'd you hit him?"

"I don't know——"

"Didn't see no blood?"


"Well, likely he had on coat and vest and shirt and undershirt and so on. They don't bleed to amount to anything if they move away quick, like he did. Say who he was, or anything?"