Page:Readings in European History Vol 1.djvu/14

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c Contents and List of Citatiotis 7. The edicts of Constantine and his successors relating to PAGH the Church in the Theodosian Code 23 Codex T/ieodosianus, ed. Haenel, Lib. xvi : tit. i, 2 (A.D. 380) ; tit. ii, 2 (A.D. 319), 6 (A.D. 326), 9 (A.D. 349), 24 (A.D. 377), 16 (A.D. 361), 5 (A.D. 323), 4 (A.D. 321), 41 (A.D. 412) ; tit. v, i (A.D. 326), 3 (A.D. 372), 34 (A.D. 398), 66 (A.D. 435), 46 (A.D. 409) IV. Comparison between the Lot of those within the Empire and those living among the Barbarians 8. Salvian's comparison of the Romans and barbarians . 28 De gubernatione Dei, Lib. v, cc. 4 so., Lib. iv, c. 14 : Mon. Ger. Hist, Auc. ant. I 9. Conversation of Priscus with a Greek living among the barbarians (448) 30 PRISCUS PANITES, Historiarttmfragmemtei, in Miiller, Frag- menta historicorum Graecorum, IV, 86 sq. ; trans, by Bury, History of the Later Roman Empire, I, 218 sqq. CHAPTER III THE GERMAN INVASIONS AND THE BREAK-UP OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE I. The Huns force the West Goths across the Danube 10. Description of the Huns by Ammianus Marcellinus . . 35 Renim gestarnm libri gni sufcrsunt, Lib. xxxi, cc. 2-4 and 13; ed. Gardthausen (Teubner, 1874); trans, by C. D. Yonge in the Bohn Library II. How the West Goths became Arians and Alaric took Rome 11. Jordanes on the conversion of the Goths and the sack of Rome ............... 39 JORDANES, DC origine actusqi(c Gctaruw, cc. 25-31 ; ed. Mommsen, Mon. Ger. Hist., Auc. ant. V 12. St. Jerome on the destruction wrought by the barbarians 44 (a) Ep. ad Ageruchiatn : Migne, Patrologia Latina, XXII, cols. 1057 .*.; (b) Comtnciitaria in Ezechielem, Preface to Lib. iii ; Ibid. XXV, col. 79 13. Dill on the reports of the sack of Rome ...... 45 Roman Society in the Last Century of the Roman Empire, III. Attila and the Huns 14. Priscus' description of the court of Attila ..... 46 MULLER, Frag, hist Grace, (as above, No. 9), IV, 85 and 91 sq.; Bury, I, 217 sqq.