Page:Readings in European History Vol 1.djvu/27

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Contents and List of Citations xxiii VI. Inducements offered to the Crusaders PAGK 131. Privileges granted by Eugenius III (1146) 337 OTTO OF FREISING, Gesta Friderid, Lib. i, c. 35: Mon. Ger. Hist., Pertz, XX, 371 ; trans, by Munro in Tr. and Kp. Vol. I, No. 2 132. Privileges granted by Innocent III (1215) 338 Mansi, Conciliorum collectio, XXII, 1057 VII. A Glimpse of the Court of the Eastern Emperor 133. Luitprand's account of his reception in Constantinople . 340 Antaj>odosis, Lib--vi, cc. 5-9 : Mon. Ger. Hist., octavo ed. CHAPTER XVI THE MEDIAEVAL CHURCH AT ITS HEIGHT I. The Preeminence of the Church 134. The bull Unam Sanctam of Boniface VIII (1302) . . 346 Text based upon the papal register given by Mury, Revue des questions historiques, XLVI, 255 sq. II. The Seven Sacraments 135. An account of the seven sacraments by Eugenius IV (1438) 348 From the bull Exultate Deo, Denzinger, Enchiridion sym- bolorum et definitionum, pp. 201 sqq. III. Tales illustrating the Miraculous Power of the Sacraments 136. Christ is seen in the hands of a priest 355 CAESAR OF HEISTERBACH, Dialogus miraculorttm, Dist. ix, c. 28 ; ed. by Strange, 2 vols., 1851, Vol. II, 186 ; trans, by Munro in Tr. and Rp. Voli II, No. 4 137. Bees construct a church for the host 355 Anecdotes historiques^ Legcndcs et Apologues tires du Rccueil inedit d'Etienne de Bourbon ; ed. Lecoy de la Marche, 1877. No. 317, pp. 266 sq. (in the publications of the Soc. de 1'hist. de Fr.) ; trans, by Munro in Tr. and Rp. Vol. II, No. 4 138. Through confession a forgotten prayer is erased from the devil's register 356 STEPHEN OF BOURBON (as above, No. 137), No. 176, pp.