Page:Readings in European History Vol 2.djvu/141

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Course of the Protestant Revolt in Germany 1 03 On Saturday the blind monk, Hans Rotfuchs, spoke con- temptuously of the holy sacrament, calling it idolatry and heresy. On holy Easter there was neither singing nor preaching. Monday Dr. Andreas Carlstadt again attacked the holy sacra- ment with abusive words. In the night some millers attacked the church at Cobenzell and threw the pictures and images into the Tauber. April 18. The reforms of the committee are proclaimed. The younger priests may, and should, marry, and may enjoy their benefices for three years. The old priests shall have theirs for life. There is a struggle between Kueplein and his followers, on the one hand, who want to destroy a picture of the Virgin, and the pious old Christians, on the other, who wish to protect it. Some knives are drawn. April ig. The peasants take three casks of wine from Crimes of the priest at Scheckenpach and drink it up. the P easanta April 20. The women here in Rothenburg take eleven measures of grain from the house of Conrad Volemar. George Bermeter [one of the revolutionists] is chosen bur- gomaster. On the same day, Thursday after Easter, the women run up and down Hafengasse with forks and sticks, declaring that they will plunder all the priests' houses, but are pre- vented. Friday. All priests are forced to become citizens, other- wise they would have lost all their goods. They are to take their share of guard duty and work on the fortifications. On Wednesday (April 26) Lorenz Knobloch was hewn to pieces by the peasants at Ostheim, and then they pelted one another with the fragments. They said he was a traitor and that he wanted to mislead them. Divine retribution ! He had said he would not die until he had killed three priests, but, thank God, not one fell into his hands. April 30. The monastery of Anhausen was plundered and burned in the night, also that near Dinkelsbuhl. The peasants also attacked the monastery of Schwarzach, and the castle of Reichelsberg was burned.