Page:Readings in European History Vol 2.djvu/309

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The Ascendency of France under Louis XIV 271 which he induced the king to establish by the following order, had begun with the informal conference of a few men of letters, who met at one another's houses. When God called us to the headship of the state we cherished the purpose not only of putting an end to the disorders caused by the civil wars which had so long dis- tracted the realm, but we also aimed to adorn the state with all the ornaments appropriate to the oldest and most illus- trious of existing monarchies. Although we have labored without intermission to realize this purpose, it has been impossible hitherto fully to accomplish it. . . . [But now] the confusion has at last given way to good order, which we have reestablished by the best of all means, namely, by reviving commerce, enforcing military discipline in our armies, adjusting the taxes, and checking luxury. Every one is aware of the part that our very dear and beloved cousin, 1 the cardinal, duke of Richelieu, has had in the accomplishment of all these things. Consequently when we communicated our intention to him, he represented to us that one of the most glorious proofs of the happiness of a realm is that the sciences and arts nourish within it, and that letters as well as arms are held in esteem, since these constitute one of the chief orna- ments of a powerful state ; that, after so many memorable exploits, we had now only to add the agreeable to the essential, and to adorn the useful. He believed that we could not do better than to commence with the most noble of all arts, namely, eloquence. The French language, which has suffered much hitherto from neglect on the part of those who might have rendered it the most perfect of modern tongues, is now more capable than ever of taking its high place, owing to the great number of persons who possess a special knowledge of the advantages which it enjoys and who can augment these advantages. The cardinal informed us that, with a view of establishing fixed rules for the language, 1 A term of respect generally reserved by the French kings for their fellow monarchs and roval relatives. 334. Letters patent establishing the French Academy in 1635. Importance of cultivating the French language.