Page:Readings in European History Vol 2.djvu/338

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300 Readi?igs in European History The French government under Louis XIV. The Hugue- nots. Dangeau (1638-17 20), Journal, 19 vols., 1 854-1 860. This covers the period 1684-17 20, and was written day by day by a well-informed and conscientious writer, a member of Louis' court. Saint-Simon availed himself generously of Dangeau's data. Madame de Sevigne (1 626-1 696), Letters. The charming letters ot this charming lady are very numerous and relate mainly to the years 1 670-1 696. The most complete of many editions is that edited for Les Grands Ecrivains de la France by Monmerque, 14 vols., 1862— 1868, including elaborate indices. Several volumes of selections have been published. For the governmental system and the work of Colbert, see especially Clement, Z^/rw, Instructions et Alemoires de Colbert, 7 vols. ; Depping, Correspcndance administrative sous le regtie de Louis XIV, 4 vols. ; Boislisle, Correspondance des controleurs generaux, 2 vols. To these collections of materials should be added the following works of first- rate importance : Hanotaux, Origine de Vinstitution des iutendauts, 1884 ; Clamageran, Histoire de Vimpot en France, 3 vols., 1 867-1868 ; Levasseur, Histoire des classes ouvrieres, 2d ed. ; Recueil des instructio/is donnees aux a??ibassadeurs et ministres de France depuis les traites de Westphalie jusqtih la revolution francaise, 16 vols., 1884 sqq. This collection is edited by various hands and contains the text of the more important documents and analyses of other sources for the foreign policy of France. For the Huguenots: Benoit (d. 1728), Histoire de Vedit de Nantes, 5 vols., Delft, 1 693-1 695. A celebrated work completed not long after the revocation of the edict. Recueil des edits, declarations et arrets con- cernans la religion pretendue refor??iee, new edition, 1885. The brothers Haag have given a very complete history of French Protestantism in their France protestante, 2d ed., 10 vols., 187 7-1 895. The Societe de l'histoire du Protestantism francais has, since 1853, published a vast amount of important material in its Bulletin, of which some sixty volumes have appeared. Histoire de la langue et de la litterature francaise, edited by Petit de Julleville, Vol. V, furnishes an introduction to the literature of the period.