Page:Readings in European History Vol 2.djvu/367

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Rise of Russia and Prussia 329 Schuyler, Peter the Great, 18S4. The standard life of the tsar in English. Waliszewski, Life of Peter the Great. From the French. Excellent and recent. Bain, Charles XII and the Collapse of the Swedish Empire, 1682- 17 19, 1899 (Heroes of the Nations). Stanley Lane-Poole, Turkey (Story of the Nations). By a well- known authority. Creasy, History of the Ottoman Turks. Based upon the great Ger- man work of Von Hammer, which is in 10 volumes. Longman, Frederick the Great, and (more recent) Reddaway, Fred- erick the Great and the Rise of Prussia, 1904 (Heroes of the Nations). Carlyle, Thomas, Frederick the Great, 3 vols. A famous work giving many extracts from Frederick's letters and other sources. Perkins, France under Louis XV, 2 vols. Excellent for the role of France in the middle of the eighteenth century. Bright, Maria Theresa, 1897. A little volume in the Foreign States- men Series. Bruckner, Peter der Grosse, 1879 (Oncken Series). 1 Tuttle, History of Prussia, 4 vols. Vol. I, to the accession of Fred- erick II; Vols. II-IV, reign of Frederick to 1757. Droysen, Geschichte der preussischen Politik, 14 vols., ending with the year 1756. The most elaborate history of Prussia, by an excellent historian. Erdmansdorfer, Deutsche Geschichte vom Westphdlischoi Frieden bis zum Regierungsantritt Friedrichs des Grossen, 2 vols., 1 892-1893 (Oncken Series). Well illustrated. Von Zwiedineck-Sudenhorst, Deutsche Geschichte im Zeitraum der Griindung des preussischen Konigthums, 2 vols., 1890- 1894. Berner, Geschichte des preussischen Staats, 1891. Elaborately illustrated. Waddington, V Acquisition de la couronne royale de Prusse par les Hohenzollern, 18S8. Forster, F., Friedrich Wilhelm der Erste, 3 vols., 1834-1835. An excellent old life of Frederick's father, with much illustrative material. C. Materials for advanced study. There are naturally a good many books about Frederick the Great. Frederick The chief sources for his reign are his own works, especially his let- the Great. ters : OEuvres de Frederic le Grand, 30 vols., Berlin, 2d ed., 1846-1857; 1 A bibliography of works on Russia may be found in Lavisse and Rambaud Histoire Generate, Vol. VI, pp. 717 sqq.