Page:Readings in European History Vol 2.djvu/521

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Napoleon Bonaparte 483 His Majesty the emperor, king of Hungary and of Bohe- mia, and the First Consul of the French republic, in the name of the French people, induced by a common desire to put an end to the evils of war, have resolved to proceed to the conclusion of a definitive treaty of peace and amity. Moreover his said Imperial and Royal Majesty, since he desires no less sincerely to extend the benefits of peace to the German empire, and since the existing conditions do not afford the necessary time to consult the empire, or to per- mit its representatives to take part in the negotiations, has resolved, in view of the concessions made by the deputation of the empire at the recent Congress of Rastadt, to treat in the name of the German confederation, as has happened before under similar circumstances. Hence the contracting parties have named the following as their plenipotentiaries : His Imperial and Royal Majesty, the Sieur Louis, count of Cobenzl, minister of conferences and vice chancellor of the court and of state, etc. The First Consul of the French republic, in the name of the French people, Citizen Joseph Bonaparte, councilor of state. These having exchanged their credentials, have agreed upon the following articles : Article I. Peace, amity, and a good understanding shall hereafter exist forever between his Majesty the emperor, king of Hungary and Bohemia, acting both in his own name and in that of the German empire, and the French repub- lic ;.. . II. The cession of the former Belgian provinces to the French republic, stipulated in Article III of the Treaty of Campo-Formio, is renewed here in the most solemn manner. His Majesty the emperor and king therefore renounces for himself and his successors, as well on his own part as on that of the German empire, all right and title to the above specified provinces, which shall be held in perpetuity by the French republic in full sovereignty and proprietary right. . . . III. Moreover, in confirmation of Article VI of the Treaty of Campo-Formio, his Majesty the emperor and king shall 428. Chief articles of the Peace of Luneville (February, 1801). Austrian .V therlands ceded to .-ice.