Page:Readings in European History Vol 2.djvu/550

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512 Readings in European History 441. Decrees abolishing feudal dues in Spain. 442. De- cree abol- ishing the Inquisition. 442a. De- cree abol- ishing monastic orders. which the ideas of the French Revolution followed his armies into the conservative countries of western Europe. Imperial Camp at Madrid, December 4, 1808. To date from the publication of the present decree, feudal rights are abolished in Spain. All personal obligations, all exclusive fishing rights and other rights of similar nature on the coast or on rivers and streams, all feudal monopolies {banalites) of ovens, mills, and inns are suppressed. It shall be free to every one v/ho shall conform to the laws to develop his industry without restraint. The tribunal of the Inquisition is abolished, as inconsist- ent with the civil sovereignty and authority. The propertyof the Inquisition shallbe sequestered and fall to the Spanish state, to serve as security for the bonded debt. Considering that the members of the various monastic orders have increased to an undue degree and that, although a certain number of them are useful in assisting the ministers of the altar in the administration of the sacraments, the existence of too great a number interferes with the prosper- ity of the state, we have decreed and do decree as follows : The number of convents now in existence in Spain shall be reduced to a third of their present number. This reduc- tion shall be accomplished by uniting the members of sev- eral convents of the same order into one. From the publication of the present decree, no one shall be admitted to the novitiate or permitted to take the monas- tic vow until the number of the religious of both sexes has been reduced to one third of that now in existence. . . . All regular ecclesiastics who desire to renounce the monastic life and live as secular ecclesiastics are at liberty to leave their monasteries. . . . 443. Decree In view of the fact that the institution which stands most abolishing - m the way f the internal prosperity of Spain is that of the the intenor .■; r r . J r , customs customs lines separating the provinces, we have decreed and lines. do decree what follows :