Page:Readings in European History Vol 2.djvu/583

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Europe after the Congress of Vienna 545 IV. The affairs of the Confederation shall be confided Voting in to a Diet of the Confederation, in which all members of the the Diet - union shall vote through their plenipotentiaries, either in- dividually or collectively, in the following manner, without prejudice to their rank. Votes i. Austria 2. Prussia 3. Bavaria 4. Saxony 5. Hanover 6. Wiirtemberg 7. Baden 8. Electoral Hesse 9. Grand duchy of Hesse . . . 10. Denmark, for Holstein . . . 11. The Netherlands, for the grand duchy of Luxemburg . . . Votes 12. The grand ducal and ducal houses of Saxony . . . . 1 13. Brunswick and Nassau . . . 1 14. Mecklenburg-Schwerin and Mecklenburg-Strelitz . . . 1 15. Holstein-Oldenburg, Anhalt, and Schwarzburg . . . . 1 16. Hohenzollern, Liechtenstein, Reuss, Schaumburg-Lippe, Lippe, and Waldeck . . . 1 17. The free towns, Liibeck, Frank- fort, Bremen, and Hamburg . 1 Total votes 17 V. Austria shall preside in the Diet of the Confedera- tion. Each member of the union has the right to make and support propositions, and the presiding state is bound within a determined period to bring them under deliberation. VI. Whenever fundamental laws of the Confederation System of are to be enacted or amended, or measures are to be adopted votin § on SDGC13.1 relative to the Act of Confederation itself or organic insti- occasions. tutions of the Confederation, or other arrangements of common interest are under consideration, the Diet shall form itself into a general assembly {Plenuni), in which the distribution of the votes, based upon the respective extent of the individual states of the union, has been arranged as follows. 1 Votes 8. Electoral Hesse 3 9. Grand duchy of Hesse ... 3 10. Holstein 3 11. Luxemburg 3 12. Brunswick 2 13. Mecklenburg-Schwerin ... 2 Votes Austria 4 Prussia 4 Saxony 4 Bavaria 4 Hanover 4 Wiirtemberg 4 Baden . 3 14. Nassau 2 1 The system of voting which now prevails in the Federal Council (Bundesrath) of the German empire is based on this plan of 181 5.