Page:Readings in European History Vol 2.djvu/597

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CHAPTER XL UNIFICATION OF GERMANY AND ITALY I. Revolution of 1848 in France: Napoleon III The provisional government established in Paris after the mob had attacked the Tuileries, February 24, 1848, immediately issued the following proclamation. I?i the name of the French people. : A reactionary and oligarchical government has just been 466. The overthrown by the heroism of the people of Paris. That °y er throw government has fled, leaving behind it a trail of blood that orleanist forbids it ever to retrace its steps. monarchy is The blood of the people has flowed as in July ; but this £ ro ^ a e imed time this noble people shall not be deceived. It has won provisional a national and popular government in accord with the rights, government the progress, and the will of this great and generous nation. * * liS$? A provisional government, the result of pressing necessity and ratified by the voice of the people and of the deputies of the departments, in the session of February 24, is for the moment invested with the task of assuring and organ- izing the national victory. It is composed of Messieurs Dupont (de l'Eure), Lamartine, Cremieux, Arago (of the Institute), Ledru-Rollin, Garnier-Pages, Marie, Armand Marrast, Louis Blanc, Ferdinand Flocon, and Albert (a workingman). These citizens have not hesitated a moment to accept the patriotic commission which is imposed upon them by the pressure of necessity. With the capital of France on fire, the justification for the present provisional government must be sought in the public safety. All France will understand this and will lend it the support of its patriotism. Under 559