Page:Readings in European History Vol 2.djvu/600

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562 Readings in European History Louis Napo- leon becomes a candidate for the presi- dency of the new French republic. 469. Louis Napoleon explains his position to the voters of France (November 29, 1848). Although Louis Napoleon had, after the last of his two early and futile attempts to make himself emperor, been imprisoned, then exiled, he was, after the February revolution, elected a member of the Legislative Body. When it came to choosing a president under the new constitution, he was naturally considered as a candidate, and issued the following campaign manifesto (November, 1848). Louis Napoleon to his fellow-citizens : In order to recall me from exile, you have elected me a representative of the people ; on the eve of choosing a chief magistrate for the republic my name presents itself to you as a symbol of order and security. Those proofs of so honorable a confidence are, I am well aware, addressed to my name rather than to myself, who, as yet, have done nothing for my country; but the more the memory of the Emperor protects me and inspires your suf- frages, the more I feel compelled to acquaint you with my sentiments and principles. There must be no equivocation between us. I am moved by no ambition which dreams one day of empire and war, the next of the application of subversive theories. Brought up in free countries, disciplined in the school of misfortune, I shall ever remain faithful to the duties which your suffrages and the will of the Assembly impose upon me. If elected president, I shall shrink from no danger, from no sacrifice, in the defense of society, which has been so outrageously assailed. I shall devote myself wholly and without reservation to the consolidation of the republic, so that it may be wise in its laws, honest in its aims, great and strong in its deeds. My greatest honor would be to hand on to my successor, after four years of office, the public power consolidated, its liberties intact, and a genuine progress assured. . . . Louis Napoleon Bonaparte.