Page:Readings in European History Vol 2.djvu/619

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Unification of Germany ajid Italy 581 But this hope has been disappointed. Austria will not forget that its princes once ruled Germany. In the more youthful but powerfully developing Prussia she refuses to perceive a natural ally, but sees only a hostile rival. Prus- sia — so Austria reasons — must be opposed on every occa- sion, since what is good for Prussia is bad for Austria. The old, unhappy jealousy has again blazed up. Prussia shall be weakened, annihilated, dishonored. With Prussia no treaties are to be observed ; the confederated princes have not only been roused against Prussia ; they have been in- duced to dissolve the union. Wherever we look throughout Germany we are surrounded by enemies, whose war cry is, "Down with Prussia!" But the spirit of 18 13 still lives in my people. Who can rob us of a single foot of Prussian soil, if we are firmly resolved to protect the acquisitions of our fathers ; if king and people are united more firmly than ever by the danger to the fatherland, and hold it to be their highest and most sacred duty to risk blood and treasure for her honor ? In anxious expectation of what has now happened, I have for years regarded it as the first duty of my royal office to prepare Prussia's military resources for a powerful manifesta- tion. And no Prussian can fail to view, as I do, with confi- dence and satisfaction the military forces which now protect our boundaries. With their king at their head the Prussian people feel themselves, in truth, a nation in arms. Our ene- mies are deceived w r hen they imagine that Prussia is para- lyzed by internal discord. Over against the enemy the nation is a single powerful unit. In the face of the enemy all dif- ferences disappear and we stand united, whether it be for good or evil fortune. I have done all that I could to spare Prussia the burden and sacrifices of a war : my people know this ; God, who searches all hearts, knows it. Up to the last moment I have, in combination with France, England, and Russia, sought and kept open the way for a peaceful settlement. Austria, however, was averse to this, and other German states have openly taken their place at her side.